Went for a workout and then for a swim today,and i have finally realised what the age limit for a tattoo was for.All the fuss made about having to be 18 before you could actually get a tattoo on legally,is justified.
Because i saw a group of kids,probably in their 13s or 14s at the pool,and one of them had this tattoo of bubbles' head on his upper back.Imagine the above picture,without colour,and just the head alone.That kid probably got caught up in the powerpuff girls' craze that he thought it would be cool to actually tattoo his favourite character on his back.And this has to be the reason why the age limit is there,cause they're afraid that in a moment of stupidity,kids might do stupid things like that.I couldn't help thinking that one fine day,when he went to the beach,all grown up,topless.I'd bet my last dollar in my wallet that he'd get all the girls' attention.Well the girls that probably are still watching powerpuff girls of cause.
And today,after some thinking,i finally decided that i,need a dream or a goal to work towards to.Growing up throughout the years,i unknowingly lost all my aspirations and dreams.The brutal reality kicked in after the childhood days,and all the dreams i once had were shoved to a side.People who achieve things and people who are successful,all start with a dream,or an aspiration.
It gives something to work towards to,something to justify the hard work and something that motivates when coupled with desire.I remember my mom telling me bout this fifteen year old boy she came across once,when probed about his aspirations,he not only knew what he wanted to be.He knew at the back of his head,what was it that he had to do to get there,the exact path,exact amount of work to put in.
If someone were to ask me what i wanted to be now,it'd be a banker,but this aspiration is but something driven by money,and not passion.And today,i've decided i'm gonna do something,that is of use to people.Today,it's time to start dreaming,and working hard.
This time next year,i'm gonna sit in the exam hall,and i'm gonna know that the results of it,is gonna be the perfect birthday present to my mom.There is but one path for me,and it is where i shall tread.
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